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  • Earn 1 point for every $1 spent (pre-tax) at any Altius location.

  • Accumulate 200 points, and you’ll unlock $10 off your purchase.

  • Points can now be redeemed in $10 increments.

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200 points $10 off
400 points $20 off
600 points $30 off
800 points $40 off
1000 points $50 off

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Dispensary Loyalty Program, Loyalty Program for Dispensary, Dispensary Rewards, Marijuana Loyalty Points & Cannabis Loyalty Program Kenosha, WI, Waukegan, IL, Mundelein, IL, Gurnee, IL, Round Lake Beach, IL & Pleasant Prairie, WI

Marijuana Rewards Program in Kenosha, WI | Loyalty Program for Dispensary Waukegan, IL

Loyalty Programs for Cannabis DispensariesMarijuana Rewards Program ∴ Antioch, IL ∴ Mundelein, IL ∴ Round Lake Beach, IL

Loyalty Programs for Cannabis Dispensaries

Marijuana Rewards Program

Round Lake Park, IL

Lindenhurst, IL

Round Lake Beach, IL

Mundelein, IL

Antioch, IL

Grayslake, IL

Kenosha, WI

Round Lake, IL

Gurnee, IL

Fox Lake, IL

Pleasant Prairie, WI

Lake Villa, IL

Waukegan, IL